1v1 LoL

1v1 LoL game is awesome however... there are many bugs to be found. For an unknown reason. I'm unable to control my own build, and the opponent could simply shoot me in the head. Then you'll be able to alter or destroy the item that is on your or inside you, and then you'll get slit. One thing to note is that when you fall they will shoot you. There are hackers out there and they're not getting an option to report them because there will be false reports. I suggest you check the players who are playing to find out if they have hackers playing the game . This is to be fixed by the makers of the game to correct. Skin updates are an incredibly long time, I'm certain it will take no more than 2 or three months to have an updated version of what's known as item shop . or the skin locker can be changed possible to buy pickaxes, and then get an unrestricted one, just as you receive a free skin. In the end, the game is fantastic, but it has bugs that make sense. Every game has bugs . I'm not trying to apply on you, but if you do are able to spare the time, that the creators will make improvements to the game.

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